
Kyusun Cho

I am a Masters Student at Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Korea University.

I work on 3D computer vision and 3D synthesis to solve problems in graphics and multi-modal computer vision. Since 2021, I have been a member of the Computer Vision Lab, under the guidance of Professor Seungryong Kim. I began my graduate studies in March 2022. I did my undergrad at the Statistics Department of Korea University.

I am interested in synthesizing 3D avatars from images and controlling them with multi-modal inputs. I am currently looking for internships and opportunities to talk to senior AI researchers in the same field. Feel free to contact me via e-mail


Korea University M.S in Computer Science (Artificial Intelligence)
(2022.03 - Ongoing)
Advisor: Seungryong Kim

Korea University B.S in Statistics
(2018.03 - 2022.02)

Work Experience

Queen Mary University of London, London, United Kingdom (2024.08 - 2024.11)
Visiting Resercher
Project: Object-aware Dynamic Scene Reconstruction from Monocular Videos of Head-mounted Cameras


Pose-dIVE: Pose-Diversified Augmentation for Person Re-Identification

Inès Hyeonsu Kim*, JoungBin Lee*, Woojeong Jin, Soowon Son, Kyusun Cho, Junyoung Seo, Min-Seop Kwak, Seokju Cho, JeongYeol Baek, Byeongwon Lee, Seungryong Kim

Under review at AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), 2025

GaussianTalker: Real-Time High-Fidelity Talking Head Synthesis with Audio-Driven 3D Gaussian Splatting

Kyusun Cho*,, Joungbin Lee*, Heeji Yoon*, Yeobin Hong, Jaehoon Ko, Sangjun Ahn, Seungryong Kim

ACM Multimedia 2024

Talk3D: High-Fidelity Talking Portrait Synthesis via Personalized 3D Generative Prior

Jaehoon Ko*, Kyusun Cho*, Joungbin Lee, Heeji Yoon, Sangmin Lee, Sangjun Ahn, Seungryong Kim

Under review at Pattern Recognition

3D GAN Inversion with Pose Optimization

Jaehoon Ko*, Kyusun Cho*, Daewon Choi, Kwangrok Ryoo, Seungryong Kim

The IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV) 2023

AE-NeRF: Auto-Encoding Neural Radiance Fields for 3D-Aware Object Manipulation

Mira Kim*, Jaehoon Ko*, Kyusun Cho, Junmyeong Choi, Daewon Choi, Seungryong Kim

ArXiv Preprint, 2023